Trailer For Our Next Story featuring The Mannequins
The Renaissance of evil. With an endless supply of refuse from ancient generations, the soulless, robotic Corporate Elites possessed a cold genius for recreating themselves. And few humanoids today understand “survival” in its raw sense like our ancestors who survived the Elite scourge of the year 7000, only to face a new robotic tribe, the Mannequins.
Mannequins represented a link to the humanoid origins of the Corporate Elites. Abandoning their humanoid nature in favor of robotic efficiency and enhanced power, they considered mannequins sacred relics of the commercial humanoid past. As ancient symbols of humanoid perfection through commerce, they became part of Corporate Elite mythology. Over time they were utilized to inspire terror. The Elites reserved the shells of the mannequins for their highest ranking, most intelligent robotic soldiers, including spies that could pass as humanoids.
Mannequins represented a link to the humanoid origins of the Corporate Elites. Abandoning their humanoid nature in favor of robotic efficiency and enhanced power, they considered mannequins sacred relics of the commercial humanoid past. As ancient symbols of humanoid perfection through commerce, they became part of Corporate Elite mythology. Over time they were utilized to inspire terror. The Elites reserved the shells of the mannequins for their highest ranking, most intelligent robotic soldiers, including spies that could pass as humanoids.